Field Trip: Seed Collecting

Seed Collecting at WMU’s Parkview Campus

with Laura Moss, Groundskeeper, WMU

Saturday, September 14, 11:00am-1:00pm

RSVP on our Facebook page or by email at [email protected].

Let’s spend some time walking through the WMU Parkview Campus collecting seed from a variety of Michigan native plants. Meet our host, Laura Moss, at the front of Floyd Hall at the parking meters. We will then walk to the collection areas. This field trip will be outside the entire time, so please dress accordingly. Bring pruners or scissors, a pen and bags or envelopes. We will provide some small paper envelopes as needed. Laura Moss will lead a walk through the campus where you can collect seed as we go. You are welcome to stay afterward to explore and gather more seeds. Please RSVP to help us estimate attendance numbers for handouts.

Discussion will include:
-ethics in the process
-identifying plants in different stages
-choosing plants based on size, growth habits and more
-cleaning, drying and storing seed

Our host: My name is Laura Moss. I’ve worked as a groundskeeper for WMU at the Parkview campus for the past 7 years. I see myself as a steward of this little patch of earth. I was first introduced to native plants by Steve Keto, who lit a spark that continues to grow. In addition to the traditional landscape duties, I spend a lot of time observing, researching, and documenting the many native plants that grow here. Managing invasive species is a year round job. Over the years, I have helped nurture 1000’s of seedlings in the greenhouse to transplant in our prairie and other locations at WMU. I helped to build and install a native bee house on campus as an educational experience. I’ve presented on the role of groundskeepers and the history of the property for faculty and staff of the College of Engineering and Landscape Services. I have much gratitude for the freedom to explore and learn for a living. Besides my day job, I love to garden, blending permaculture and native plants in my yard. I dabble in art, can’t live without music and nature and best of all, my four amazing kids.