Tour of Savanna Restoration Project
Saturday, July 13 (Rain date, July 20)
10:00am – 12:00pm
with Paul MacNellis
Location: 5455 South 1st Street, Kalamazoo
The Moraine Meadows 20-acre savanna is a collaborative effort between five neighbors. It is located on 1st Street about five miles west of Kalamazoo. US Fish and Wildlife gave us a grant in 2015 through their Landowners Incentive Program to create the prairie/savanna from the old field, previously part of a large brome grass farm.

After prepping the acreage, it was burned and seeded (22 forbs and 8 grasses) in spring of 2016. It has been burned twice since then. Once in 2020 and the most recent just last month (10 May 2024).

One month’s recovery has been excellent.