Wild Ones is a not-for-profit, all-volunteer environmental, educational, and advocacy organization. Kalamazoo Area Wild Ones greatly appreciates donations in any amount to our local chapter to help support the programs and services we offer in the community.
If you would like to make a donation to Kalamazoo Area Wild Ones in honor or memory of a special person, or to support our programs and services, you may do so as follows:
By credit card
Donations are made through our PayPal account. Use this link or the button below. Before final payment you have the opportunity to enter a note with any special instructions you may have for your donation. A thank you note and a receipt for your tax-deductible donation will be mailed to you.
Interested in becoming a sponsor for our annual Community Native Plant Sale? Find out more information here and use the Donate button below to add your sponsorship.
By check
Please make the check payable to Kalamazoo Area Wild Ones, PO Box 20324, Kalamazoo MI 49019. Please include a note with your donation with any special instructions you may have.
Questions? Contact [email protected]

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