Author: Beth Bradburn

Does Spotted Knapweed Repel Monarch Butterflies?

by Ilse Gebhard, KAWO member This question came to my mind a number of years ago when I was raising monarchs from eggs and caterpillars found in the wild for the following two Citizen Science Projects: Monarch Larva Monitoring Project and Project Monarch Health. Milkweeds are the only plants that monarch caterpillars will feed on […] Continue reading "Does Spotted Knapweed Repel Monarch Butterflies?"

Why It’s Important to Remove Invasive Species from Your Yard

by Mike Weis, KAWO member and owner of Dropseed! Native Gardens There’s a problem lurking in your yard and it’s wreaking havoc elsewhere, whether you know it or not. Invasive species continue to be a major problem for conservation and restoration efforts and most of these invasive plant outbreaks in wilderness areas originate in our […] Continue reading "Why It’s Important to Remove Invasive Species from Your Yard"

Weeding Induced Meditation

by Ilse Gebhard, KAWO member That’s right.  Weeding, not weed, induced meditation. Wikipedia defines meditation as a practice of mindfullness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Meditation may significantly reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, and enhance […] Continue reading "Weeding Induced Meditation"

Glacial Gifts: Garden Design for Dry, Sunny Slopes

by Mike Weis, KAWO member and owner of Dropseed! Native Gardens Here in Kalamazoo county, most of our landscape is the product of outwash from glacier activity over 10,000 years ago. (Warning: armchair geology lesson from a fool) Essentially, a confluence of glacial moraine Lobes, Sublobes and Interlobes of the enormous Laurentide Ice Sheet pushed […] Continue reading "Glacial Gifts: Garden Design for Dry, Sunny Slopes"

Monarchs Need Protection: Kalamazoo Area Wild Ones Can Help

by Ilse Gebhard, KAWO member In 2012 the national organization of Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes, joined forces with Monarch Joint Venture and Monarch Watch to Bring Back the Monarch in an effort to save America’s favorite butterfly, the Monarch. The Bring Back the Monarch program’s goals are to restore 20 milkweed species to […] Continue reading "Monarchs Need Protection: Kalamazoo Area Wild Ones Can Help"